Green meetings are based on a sustainability framework which balances environmental, economic and social impacts. COMPLEX NETWORKS is working towards having a limited impact on the environment and climate and delivering value to the community. Although hosting an entirely sustainable meeting does take work, it’s worth the effort, and implementing some environmentally friendly practices can make a positive impact and generates sustainable solutions. These guidelines are provided for attendees, committees and contractors to the Conference and aim to educate and inspire continued mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. These guidelines will be continually evaluated as technologies and mitigation options continue to change.
COMPLEX NETWORKS defines environmental impacts as both the direct impacts it has on the environment through emissions, natural resource use and waste generation, and the indirect impacts that occur through its supply chain and partnerships.
Key environmental objectives for COMPLEX NETWORKS include:
- To use Energy & Water more efficiently
- To reduce the amount of waste produced and increase the quantity of waste re-used and recycled
- To reduce the environmental impacts of travel
- To reduce the environmental impacts of purchasing
- To increase environmental awareness and drive behavior change
The icons of relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) included in the sections below illustrate how the COMPLEX NETWORKS sustainability strategy contributes to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
COMPLEX NETWORKS action areas include:
The Venue
Energy management
Reduce Energy Use
Water management
Make smart water choices +
Food and drinking water
Make Smart Food Choices +
Waste Management & Recycling
Reduce waste and recycle +
Support Sustainable Accommodation
Local Transportation
Promote Public and Clean Transportation
Travel To Menton & Offsetting Of Greenhouse Gas Emission
Promote Climate Neutral Travel
Paper Use
Conserving Resources
Conference Swag & Giveaways
Use environmentally sound swag and give- aways
Eco-Friendly Purchasing Policy
Conserving Resources
Dissemination of Information
Report on your Sustainable Event
Positive Local Impact
Establish a Positive Local Impact
Event Certification
For more information contact the sustainability chair at